interior decor, Interior design, renovations Natanya Gidoomal interior decor, Interior design, renovations Natanya Gidoomal

If I’m honest…

I love mountains, so when I got a call from a kibbutz that’s nestled away in the Carmel mountains, I was excited to go and get some soul food!

The clients were absolutely delightful, over the moon to be able to work with such easy going, lovely people… but boy was this project going to be a challenge.

The project was 2 bathrooms, and the primary bedroom.

The bathrooms were essentially, caves.

There were no windows, no ventilation, extremely low ceilings, and mould (unsurprisingly!) everywhere.

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interior decor, Interior design, renovations Natanya Gidoomal interior decor, Interior design, renovations Natanya Gidoomal

Inside View: Lorren’s Penthouse

When Lorren called me, we instantly connected. I felt like I was talking to an old friend, and she decided on the spot, on our very first phone call that she was hiring me, there and then!

It was a match made in heaven!

She was hysterically funny, and just such fun to be around, I quickly advanced her to the top of my “favorite clients ever” list, which I secretly make in my head!

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Interior design, renovations Natanya Gidoomal Interior design, renovations Natanya Gidoomal

The Anglo's guide to Shiputzim…

It’s a word we hear almost daily here in Israel, it means renovations. But we can rest assured that there is always a shiputz going on somewhere - usually the place we need to be, at all times.

The bank, the post office, the doctors office, and of course - the supermarket.

Oh - and don’t forget about the neighbours.

The upstairs neighbour, the next door neighbour, the apartment below neighbour… We live in a country obsessed with shiputzim!


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Natanya Gidoomal Natanya Gidoomal

Little me, Big dreams

When you have a big vision, but you just feel so small….

Stories of when people who are further ahead of you, take the time to stop and invest in those who are just starting out…

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Home Design, DIY, How to Natanya Gidoomal Home Design, DIY, How to Natanya Gidoomal

Terrible Tweens

Let’s face it, tweens and teens don’t have the greatest reputation…

I have a tween and a teen.


I did NOT think that through!

But when it comes to their rooms, I really really DID think it through.


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Natanya-Joy Natanya-Joy

Work the Rest

An office space should be a place where your brain is set up for success.

It should be a place where stress disappears - because work and the daily grind can bring that without our surroundings also contributing!

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